Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Speech Contest"

Near the end of my first year at wonderland, perhaps in December, perhaps in January, there was a speech contest for the older kindergarten students. When I first heard about this, I assumed it would be an actual contest.

This was not an authentic speech contest, however. It was just a speech performance with no winners. All of the older kindergarten students would have to prepare a short speech and perform it along with their classmates. Each class had a theme, and some classes had plays instead of consecutive speeches.

The class I had to prepare was Zebra class. This was the class of first year 6-7 year olds or Korean 7-8 year olds. The theme for their speeches was favorite things. The performance was to begin with a choreographed rendition of "My favorite things" from "The sound of muscic." After the song, each of the students had to go up and describe their favorite thing while the parents guessed what it was. Of course, the Korean teacher wrote the descriptions and assigned favorite things for each of the students, and they just had to memorize and recite the little speeches.

There were many normal things like snow and dogs and baseball and dancing. One student, however was assigned pooping. "My favorite thing smells very bad, but it feels very good. I have to do it in the bathroom. Usually, I do it every day. I have to wash my hands when I'm done. Can you guess what my favorite thing is?"

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