Friday, May 7, 2010

A new supervisor

So, the old supervisor left, but we were on much friendlier terms. My hours became a little lower once I got into the swing of things and was able to manage my time and more efficiently grade the huge stacks of papers I had to correct. I still had to wait a little while for the new syllabus to kick in, but it became manageable. I got my time at the hagwon down to 10 hours maximum, and I was no longer doing field trips.

Then, the new supervisor came. This man was, in fact the biggest douche in the universe. He "lived in England for 15 years" but spoke English about as well as my second year students. He had a perm. He insisted on being referred to as Reverend. He also knew absolutely nothing about teaching English.

Once the new syllabus kicked in, my class and workload dropped, and I had considerably more free time. Other things started to drive me crazy though.

More to come later, but I've got some teaching to do.

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