Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bucheon apartments and noise.

As I mentioned earlier, my first apartment in Bucheon was pretty decent. It was big, in a good neighborhood and all of the appliances were in good condition. I did, however have horrible neighbors. Down the hall, a man and woman lived and had fights at three or four am every night. These were not your typical brief shouting matches. These were Korean fights.

They would start off with yelling. Then there was shrieking as if someone was being murdered followed by dishes being thrown.

When one of the teachers at my school was fired, my boss asked me if I could move into his place because it would save him some money. I told him I'd have to see the place first. When I saw the place, it was great. It was the same size as my first place, but it was on a lower floor and had a much better layout. It had an actual countertop in the Kitchen, a camera for the door and various other perks. So, I took the place. I took the place and was pretty happy with it for a while. I was also next to Homeplus, so any shopping I needed to do could be done rather easily. Here's a picture of it for you. Keep in mind, I was still unpacking and cleaning up, so forgive the mess.

On my first Sunday in the apartment, though I found out that my noise troubles were far from gone. In my first year, I had come to accept the obnoxious vegetable trucks screaming "TOMATO!!!TOMATO!!!" over and over again. At some point they would drive off, and they were only there every once in a while. My new apartment, however, was next to Homeplus. From 8:00am-8:00pm every Sunday, a greeter would stand outside of the entrance to the parking garage which was right below my window. With a megaphone, she would say "Welcome to Homeplus" to every car that entered. It nearly drove me insane. When you have to work on Saturday, Saturday tends to be the one night of the week when you stay out late and have drinks with friends. Homeplus was not very helpful for my hangovers.

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