Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Things start to get unpleasant part 3

A few weeks after the remodeling fiasco, my second year at the Bucheon school began. Things started out pretty well. Under my new contract, I had no more Saturdays and a small raise. I did, however have to stay at the school from 2-9 regardless of whether or not I had classes during that time in exchange for the lack of Saturdays. This wasn't so bad though, because they had put computers in all of the offices, and I spent my free time reading, surfing the web, practicing Korean or playing the best computer game of all time, Escape Velocity Nova http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_Velocity_Nova Think of this game as a cross between GTA, Freelancer and Battlestations on Facebook. You start off in a crappy spaceship. You fly around doing random odd-jobs and earning a bit of money. You then get a better ship, buy and sell weapons and outfits for the ship and then get involved in one of six major story lines. You then get access to better ships and weapons but can put the main missions aside for a while while you fly around different systems to explore, trade or pirate other vessels and take on side jobs. It's pretty great.

Anyhoo, things were going pretty well for a while. Under my first contract, if I re-signed(I do love how re-sign and resign have entirely contradictory meanings) my severance would come with the first paycheck of my second year, so one month after the end of my first contract. We'll come back to that in a later post.

On a Friday after my first couple of weeks on my second contract, my boss approached me.

He asked me if I could substitute teach in Ilsan for a few days. I told him I couldn't because I had a lot going on in my classes in Bucheon. He told me they'd be covered and not to worry about it. I asked him what the conditions would be. He told me I'd be teaching from 1-7 and that the Ilsan boss would pick me up at 12 and I'd get home at 8. I wouldn't be paid extra. I told him that I wasn't really interested.

Monday morning, I got a call from my boss. He called to tell me that the boss in Ilsan was on his way to pick me up. I asked him what the fuck he was talking about because I had told him I wasn't going to substitute. He begged and pleaded and explained how the guy in Ilsan was his senior and he had to say yes. Finally after he promised that it would be only two days, I agreed.

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