Saturday, March 6, 2010

New teachers and the beginning of the end.

A little over half way through my second year, three teachers were let go. One was let go because his classes were dull, although he seemed like a pretty nice guy. The other two were let go because they had no degrees and immigration was snooping around. Two new teachers came to replace them. The new teachers were Alex, who was a dick, and another teacher whose name I forget.

The other teacher was pretty great. He was pretty amusing and had lived in Korea for ten years, was married and was a generally nice guy. He left his previous school because of a legal issue, however. Apparently, he was driving one day and was cut off. He was greatly angered and followed the car for a few blocks honking his horn and shaking his fist. The driver ahead of him called the police.

The teacher went on his way and stopped pursuing the driver who cut him off. While he was at a red light, someone came up to his window, started yelling at him and reached inside the car. The teacher was a bit frightened and didn't know what was happening so he hit the accelerator and drove off.

As it turns out, the person reaching into his car was a police officer who wasn't wearing a uniform. When the teacher accelerated, he hit him with his side view mirror
and somehow severed the police officer's penis. Later he worked out a deal and had to pay what's known as "blood money" so the officer could buy a prosthetic and be reimbursed for his pain. His school let him go because of this incident.

Later, though immigration got wind of the incident and deported him, so he was at our school for about a month.

The other new teacher, Alex deserves a post of his own.

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